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Healthy, pain-free joints are essential to a healthy lifestyle.


Joint maintenance

These supplements help keep your joints healthy.

Joint repair

These supplements help to repair the connective tissue around your joints, reducing bone-on-bone contact.

Pain relief

These supplements, both oral and topical, reduce the pain from damaged joints.

Healthy joints are essential to a healthy lifestyle, and joint pain can prevent you from living your fullest life. These supplements are aimed at keeping your joints healthy and calming the pain of damaged joints.

We've organized them around their function -- maintenance, repair, and pain management.


When we're young, are joints are pretty dependable, unless we have an injury, but they'll deteriorate over time. These supplements are aimed at holding off that deterioration and keeping joints strong and healthy.


Worn and aging joints have often lost surrounding connective tissue that support them and protect against bone-on-bone contact. These supplements support the rebuilding of lost and damaged tissue.


Joint pain can really impact your lifestyle. These supplements -- both oral and topical -- can help you relieve and manage that pain.


We know all these products and how they work. Stop into the store and ask us for guidance in picking the ones that are best for you.

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Joint maintenance

These supplements help keep your joints healthy.

TriFlex Fast-Acting

Supports joint health while reducing joint discomfort & stiffness.

Joint repair

These supplements help to repair the connective tissue around your joints, reducing bone-on-bone contact.

CBD Oil 500MG

Convenient way to add Superior Broad Spectrum CBD to your day

Dr. Joints Advanced

Supports joint mobility & flexibility, strengthens joints, and decreases joint inflamation.

Pain relief

These supplements, both oral and topical, reduce the pain from damaged joints.

CBD Cream

CBD Cream

Fast acting relief to make your life better.

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